Into the Fold - Quêtes

Into the Fold

Emissary Brighthoof at the Westwind Refugee Camp in the Dragonblight wants you to recover 10 Horde Armaments.


Before we can officially bring these taunka into the Horde we must recover our armaments from the Anub'ar Nerubians that infest the nearby woods. The armaments were lost when a caravan from Agmar's Hammer was ambushed by the Scourge late last night.

Venture out into the woods to the east of Westwind Refugee Camp and recover those armaments, <race>.


This is exactly what we need, <name>! Brandishing Horde arms will lift their spirits and give them the protection they need against the Scourge.

Are you prepared for the ceremony of initiation?

You will be the one to admit our new allies into the Horde.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Dragonblight

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