Planning for the Future - Quêtes

More details

  • Level: 72
  • Required Level: 71
  • Difficulté : 71 75 78
  • Faction: Alliance & Horde
  • Start: Trapper Mau'i
  • End: Trapper Mau'i

Planning for the Future

Collect 12 Snowfall Glade Pups. Deliver them to Trapper Mau'i at Moa'ki Harbor.


We must move decisively against the wolvar if we're to have a chance of survival. However, I worry that in our zeal, too many of them will be slain.

The Snowfall Glade wolvar have as much right to exist as do we. You and I will see to it that they get that chance.

If Elder Ko'nani hasn't asked you already, he will ask you to deal with them. While you're upon the glade to the north, I'd like you to bag up their pups and bring them back to me.


Well, I guess you saved plenty of them. Thank you, <race>.

Now the wolvar will have a chance of surviving along with us. If we survive at all, that is.

Do you think that you could return tomorrow so that we can save more of the pups?
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Dragonblight

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