Striking Back - Quêtes

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  • Level: 43
  • Required Level: 0
  • Difficulté : 0 39 41 46 50
  • Faction: Alliance

Striking Back

Slay the Chillwind Lieutenant summoned from the Ice Stone located on the water elemental's island in western Stranglethorn Vale, then return to the Earthen Ring Elder in a capital city.


We must act to preserve the balance! Time is against us.

Neptulon has long had a base of operations on an island in western Stranglethorn. There, the Twilight Cult has set up ice stones to communicate with the Tidehunter's realm, much like they do in Silithus. Much as I am loath to do this, the spirits will understand - you must summon one of this Ahune's lieutenants and destroy it. Perhaps this forestalling action will be enough...


You have done well. It may seem a small act, but even this can aid the fight as a whole. Take this with my blessing, and return later, as I may have more for you to do.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 50500 experience.

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