Cowards and Fools - Quêtes

Cowards and Fools

Speak to Ataika in Kaskala, northeast of Valiance Keep.


Listen, <name>. No offense, but the operation they put Thassarian in charge of was pure suicide.

A handful of our men were to launch an attack on the biggest Scourge presence in the area. Call me crazy, but storming a Scourge ziggurat outside a plagued Nerubian city with a dozen men ain't my idea of fun.

If you're still interested in finding Thassarian, we were supposed to arrange for passage east with a tuskarr by the name of Ataika in Kaskala to the northeast. Good luck with your fool's errand.


I remember the man you speak of. He bore the marks of Karkut.

May Karkut protect our fallen.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Borean Tundra

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