Quickening - Quêtes

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Archmage Berinand in the Transitus Shield wants you to enter the Nexus and collect 5 Arcane Splinters from Crystalline Protectors.


Though we may be witnessing the end of our existence, I can't help but marvel. I've learned more in my short time here than in decades of studies.

These Ancients are being exposed to incredible levels of arcane energy. It's literally transforming them into something... different.

I'm confident that there's another stage in their metamorphosis. I'll need you to actually enter the Nexus, <name>, and find me some evidence of their final state.

Do be careful....



And they're aggressive too, you say. That would suggest that some intelligence is behind this manipulation. It may not be natural at all....

Please, <name>, accept this as a token of our gratitude for your efforts. Dalaran will hear of your service.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 402000 experience.
  • 390 reputation with Kirin Tor
The entirety of this quest happens at Borean Tundra

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