Deploy the Shake-n-Quake! - Quêtes

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Deploy the Shake-n-Quake!

Abner Fizzletorque at Fizzcrank Airstrip wants you to use the Shake-n-Quake 5000 to collapse the Nerubian tunnels and defeat Lord Kryxix.


Behold, the machine that will save us from the Nerubian threat!

Take this remote control with you, and go out to the southernmost of the Nerubian sinkholes in the Geyser Fields. Use the remote to activate the Shake-n-Quake 5000. It will do the rest on its own.

Don't be surprised if the quake it creates attracts the attention of a Nerubian leader. In fact, it would be a great opportunity to finish off the Nerubian offensive.


Fizzcrank will be delighted to hear the news! And who knows, perhaps we'll make a mechanic of you yet!


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Borean Tundra

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