Burn in Effigy - Quêtes

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Burn in Effigy

Waltor of Pal'ea at the Coast of Echoes in the Borean Tundra wants you to use the Tuskarr Torch to burn the Kvaldir ships at Pal'ea and Garrosh's Landing. You must destroy the following ships: The Serpent's Maw, The Kur Drakkar, Bor's Hammer and Bor's Anvil.


Tuskarr magic is similar to what your people call shamanism. While we serve the elements differently than you, the power that we are able to call forth is formidable.

With this tuskarr torch I want you to return to the mist and strike at the Kvaldir vessels. You will find three of their vessels docked behind the mist at Garrosh's Landing, north of here, and one docked off the shores of Pal'ea, to the south. Burn their ships in effigy! For all to see!


A show of resistance to the Kvaldir savages might be what is needed to save my people at the other encampments. Perhaps the Kvaldir will rethink their actions should they believe that retribution will come.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Borean Tundra

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