Hah... You're Not So Big Now! - Quêtes

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Hah... You're Not So Big Now!

Test out Crafty's Ultra-Advanced Proto-Typical Shortening Blaster on 5 Magmoth Crushers or Mates of Magmothregar. After you have done so, return to her at Fizzcrank Airstrip.


That'll do her, chief! So, here's what I want ya to do....

Take my blaster and head north to Magmoth. If we're gonna have a chance at all against those monsters, we need to cut them down to size... so to speak.

In order to gauge its effectiveness, I need you to slay the magnataur while the blaster's effects are still on it. Any of the crushers or mates will do, but don't bother with the offspring... they're too small to worry about.


Whadya mean it didn't work?!

But... but...

Okay, we can deal with this. I'm a big girl. Time to think outside the box!


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Borean Tundra

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