The Borean Inquisition - Quêtes

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The Borean Inquisition

Donathan ordered you to offer your assistance to Librarian Normantis in the mage tower on Amber Ledge.


Listen closely, <name>, for there is not a moment to spare.

Your prisoner is being prepared for interrogation here in our tower. In the event that he is less than forthcoming, your assistance may be required.

Make your way up to where he is being detained and tell Librarian Normantis that I've sent you to assist him.


It was wise of Donathan to send you, <class>.

As it turns out, I am in need of someone outside the Kirin Tor.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 50500 experience.
  • 39 reputation with Kirin Tor
The entirety of this quest happens at Borean Tundra

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