Dirty, Stinkin' Snobolds! - Quêtes

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Dirty, Stinkin' Snobolds!

Retrieve 10 boxes of Crafty's Stuff and return them to Crafty Wobblesprocket at Fizzcrank Airstrip.


Those dirty, stinkin' snobolds... they stole all of my supplies!

What's a snobold you ask? It's like a kobold, 'cept they serve the magnataur; kinda take care of them. I know, weird!

Anywho, wanna help me out? I know the little creeps stole off with all of my stuff. Stupid me thinkin' that it'd be nice and safe, packed up on the north side of the airstrip.

Why don'tcha do me a favor and head north to their stupid Magmoth. There's a cash reward if you bring all my stuff back quick!


Oh, <name>, you're just the best!

Here's your coin as promised.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Borean Tundra

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