Reinforcements Incoming... - Quêtes

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Reinforcements Incoming...

Seek out Shadowstalker Ickoris at the Warsong Farms Outpost west of Warsong Hold.


You may not have noticed that we're trying to win a war here, <race>. I need all available soldiers at the primary points of conflict. This means that we don't have any real soldiers to spare for these minor incursions.

If Barthus wants reinforcements at the farm...

...he shall have them! Report to Barthus's assassins at the farms, west of here. Let them know that reinforcements have arrived.


This is it? Hellscream sent a single <race> $gboy:girl;?

If I still had a jaw it would be on the floor right now.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Borean Tundra

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