Taken by the Scourge - Quêtes

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Taken by the Scourge

Foreman Mortuus at Warsong Hold wants you to free 5 Warsong Peons.
Warsong Peon (5) killed


Peons... We may as well post up a sign offering the Nerub'ar a free meal.

See, the problem with a peon is that: (1) they're dumber than dirt; and (2) they're weaker than a leper gnome. Of course they're the first to be taken by the Scourge!

This puts me in a bit of a predicament, you see. Without peons, manual labor comes to a halt. No peons, no construction.

Find and release my peons, <race>. If they're alive, you'll find 'em spun up in webbing throughout Mightstone Quarry.


Most of them made it back. The ones smart enough to know that we're inside the gigantic metal and stone building, anyway...

Regardless, a job well done. I hear you sprung more than a couple peons loose.

Oh yes, you're the talk of the... um... fortress.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Borean Tundra

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