Leading the Ancestors Home - Quêtes

More details

  • Level: 72
  • Required Level: 68
  • Difficulté : 68 70 75 80
  • Faction: Alliance & Horde
  • Start: Tuskarr Ritual Object


Leading the Ancestors Home

Elder Atkanok wants you to guide the spirits of Elder Kesuk, Elder Sagani, and Elder Takret to their stone monuments.


With your help, the ancestor spirits can now be guided to their rightful homes, the statues lovingly prepared by Kaskala's craftsmen and shaman.

The ceremonies for these ancestors were interrupted during the attack on the quarry, and you will need to complete them. Take with you the objects that you recovered from the quarry, stand in front of the statues with the name markers, and recite this chant.


The ancestors have found their statues, and they have you to thank, <name>. The craftsmen of Kaskala will return to the quarry and ensure that the line of ancestors continues unbroken. For our part, the ancestors will continue to observe you with interest, as it seems your path is just beginning.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

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