The Honored Dead - Quêtes

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The Honored Dead

Grunt Ragefist at Steeljaw's Caravan has asked you to use Ragefist's Torch to burn any combination of 10 Dead Carvan Guards and Workers.
Dead Caravan Guard (10) killed


Our fallen deserve a hero's funeral, but we cannot bury them here on sacred taunka ground.

I'll not ask you to drag their bodies back here, but take this and head further into the cemetary. When you come across our dead caravan guards and workers, put them to the torch.

Honor our dead, <class>!


Thank you, <class>. We are the Horde, we do not leave our dead behind!

It should never have been necessary in the first place. Steeljaw was a fool!


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Borean Tundra

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