Blast the Gateway - Quêtes

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Blast the Gateway

Magistrix Seyla at the Throne of Kil'jaeden wants you to use the Sizzling Embers to summon a Living Flare and slay Incandescent Fel Sparks near it until it becomes an Unstable Living Flare. Return to the Legion Gateway with the Unstable Living Flare to destroy it.


We have to shut down this gateway to stop Legion reinforcements to the Isle of Quel'Danas.

Take these embers, they contain one of my creations: a living flare. It is designed to act as a powerful destructive force - as long as it has been provided enough energy.

Find the fel sparks that wander the area and slay them near the living flare. The flare will grow in power each time, until it becomes unstable.

Once you've achieved this bring the flare to the gateway. It will know what to do.


Excellent work, <name>. The demons might repair the gateway in due time. I suppose we'll just have to blow it up again.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Hellfire Peninsula

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