Blood for Blood - Quêtes

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Blood for Blood

Magistrix Seyla at the Throne of Kil'jaeden wants you to kill 4 Emaciated Felbloods by using the Fel Siphon on them. You will need Demonic Blood from nearby Wrath Heralds to power the Fel Siphon.


When Kael's forces retreated through that portal, his most loyal lackeys were rewarded with an abominable gift. They stayed behind and gorged themselves on the blood of demons for days.

The blood has changed them, given them new powers. It will also prove their undoing.

Obtain blood samples from other demons. Use them to power this fel siphon and deprive these arrogant fools of their new powers. Slay them in their weakened state and return to me.


Fools. They learned to drain fel energy but did not learn how to retain it.

We were lucky, <name>. An experienced felblood would've surely been a formidable opponent.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Hellfire Peninsula

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