Intercepting the Mana Cells - Quêtes

More details

  • Level: 70
  • Required Level: 70
  • Difficulté : 70 73 77
  • Faction: Alliance & Horde
  • Start: Exarch Nasuun
  • End: Exarch Nasuun

Required, completed

Intercepting the Mana Cells

Obtain 10 Smuggled Mana Cells and return them to Exarch Nasuun on the Terrace of Light in Shattrath City.


I have devised a plan to acquire a power source strong enough for the creation of our portal.

The ethereal forces at Bash'ir Landing, atop the northwestern Blade's Edge Mountains, have been smuggling mana cells out of Tempest Keep and transporting them to the Sunwell for Kael'thas.

They have hidden the cells, but there is a way for you to find them; the ethereal carry phase devices that you can use to see the smuggled goods.

Just beware the mana cells' phase wyrm guardians.


These mana cells are vital to our efforts. We will have the portal to the Sunwell Isle created in no time!

Return tomorrow and I will send you out to acquire more of them from our Bash'ir 'friends'.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Shattrath City

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