Street "Cred" - Quêtes

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Street "Cred"

Speak with "Silvermoon" Harry at Scalawag Point about the missing Vrykul artifacts.


The Northsea Freebooters all fear and respect Grezzix. I'm thinking they recognize my special talents and envy my amazing ship. All you need to do is tag along with my cabin boy, Lou, and you'll be in like... In like tin. Pirates love tin.

Just talk to Lou when you're ready to go and he'll take you to Scalawag.

Oh yea, you'll want to talk to "Silvermoon" Harry first. He'll have more information on the stuff they pilfered. Just watch what you say around him. He's a freak... crazy for blood elves.


So you're like me, eh? A little eccentric.

Nobody dresses like that around here.

About those artifacts... Everyone that came into contact with that stuff has ended up dead, missing or both.

If you're still interested in learning more, I can help - but it'll cost you.

You scratch my back and I'll try to not stick a dagger in yours.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Howling Fjord

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