Test of Faith - Quêtes

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Test of Faith

If you have faith, leap from the planks overlooking Thousand Needles.


So, you have sought me out, or perhaps destiny brings you to me? No matter. You are here now, and so your journey will begin anew.

Many facets make up a being: the spirit, the body, the mind. Some of these can be measured by a culture's traditions. Others we can only hope exist within ourselves. If you agree, I shall test some of the facets within you.

If you pass, then you shall become stronger. If you fail, then you will realize the vastness of the Nether.

The first is a Test of Faith.


It is not until faced with unforeseen adversity that we begin to see how strong our spirits are. You took the leap of faith even though you had no guarantees that you would survive. Your mind is open, and your spirit is prepared for what is to come.

If you are willing, then the next of your tests is ready.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Thousand Needles

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