Eyes of the Eagle - Quêtes

More details

  • Level: 71
  • Required Level: 69
  • Difficulté : 69 74 77
  • Faction: Alliance
  • Start: Ulfang
  • End: Ulfang


Eyes of the Eagle

Ulfang has asked you to collect the Eyes of the Eagle. Return to him in disguise in the Rivenwood after you have done so.

If you somehow lose the Worg Disguise, return to Watcher Moonleaf for a replacement.


Garwal hides himself behind an unnatural magic. None can see him unless he wants you to. There may be one chance we can take, though.

My enemy, the great eagle, Talonshrike, is said to have eyes that can see anything. If you were to take her eyes, then you would surely be able to see Garwal.

Talonshrike keeps her nest at the base of a waterfall just to the southwest of the vrykul place called Skorn. If you touch the eggs in her nest, she will come down from the sky to kill you.

Get her eyes.


The honor of the kill is yours. I wish that it had been my maw to finally close upon her neck.

Let us not waste the sacrifice that she has made for us. Here, eat them!
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 201000 experience.
The entirety of this quest happens at Grizzly Hills

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