I've Got a Flying Machine! - Quêtes

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I've Got a Flying Machine!

The Steel Gate Chief Archaeologist wants you to transport 3 Sacks of Relics from the bottom of the site and take them to the platform on the north or south side of Steel Gate.

Use the grappling hook on the flying machine to do this.

Report back to him after you've done so.
Sack of Relics (3) killed


Well, what are you waiting for, there's work to be done!

Here's the keys to our flying machine. Grab three sacks of relics and haul them up to the crane platforms on the north and south sides of Steel Gate. I'll mark them for you.

Hurry up! We haven't got all day!


Good job, though I think ye might be wanting a refresher course in basic piloting.

Well, no matter, one warm body's as good as another. Here's yer haul for the day.
You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

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