Wanted: Pathaleon's Projector - Quêtes

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Wanted: Pathaleon's Projector

Wind Trader Zhareem has asked you to acquire Pathaleon's Projector. Deliver it to him in Shattrath's Lower City to collect the reward.

This quest may only be completed on Heroic difficulty.


I always assumed that Pathaleon the Calculator used magic to project his image across Outland. Apparently I was wrong.

My latest customer tells me that the blood elf uses a mechanical device for his communication with the leaders of Prince Kael'thas's special projects. As I understand it, he acquired it from the Zaxxis rebels in the Netherstorm.

My client wishes to obtain the projector. Why don't you pay Pathaleon a visit? He can be found within the Mechanar at Tempest Keep.


I'm tempted to keep it for myself and return my client's money. It could certainly expand the reach of my business.

However, I have a reputation to uphold.

Speaking of my reputation, thank you for helping me to maintain it. Here is your commission.

Come back tomorrow and I will have another request for you to fulfill.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Shattrath City

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