Mastering the Runes - Quêtes

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Mastering the Runes

Bring a set of Iron Rune Carving Tools to Prospector Belvar at Fort Wildervar.


I've got a set of picks, hammers, and chisels with me, but they won't work for carving these runes. The tools used by the Iron Dwarves are imbued with magic during their forging.

When they're used to carve runes, the symbols form much more than mere words. These runes have the power to bind, compel, and twist.

I believe I know how it works, but without a set of those tools, I can't be certain. Look for kits resembling mine near the Iron Dwarf pavilions at Giants' Run and bring them to me.


I'm going to try these out. If we're to understand the Iron Dwarves' motives and defeat them, I need to know exactly what the runes are doing.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Howling Fjord

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