Mission: Forsaken Intel - Quêtes

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Mission: Forsaken Intel

Scout Knowles has asked you to deliver the Apothecary's Package to Peppy Wrongnozzle at Westguard Keep.


Right, so I think you should get this stuff over to Peppy Wrongnozzle back at the keep. She's something of an amateur alchemist, but she's the only one we've got.

One thing about Peppy; she does love her drink. So, you'll likely find her at the tavern 'soaking up the atmosphere'.

I'm sure she'll know what to do.


Oh... hey, that'sh different!

Okay, let me shee that shtuff. I jusht love tinkering with alchemy!

Interesting, interesting... here, I think I know jusht what to do. A little mixing of that with the jusht the right amount of thish.

You know, I think a little dash of this rotgut will help, too ...hic!
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Howling Fjord

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