Mission: Package Retrieval - Quêtes

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Mission: Package Retrieval

Scout Knowles has asked you to retrieve the Apothecary's Package from inside Halgrind. Once you have it, return to the scout at the Ember Spear Tower.


Well darn, we need some of that plague-stuff.

I know!

While you were destroying the vats, I happened to spy one of the apothecaries from New Agamand being pulled into Halgrind by the vrykul down in there. Poor fella'.

<name>, I'd bet anything that apothecary has the goods on him. Think you could go into Halgrind and retrieve his package?


Holy... what the hell?! Look at this stuff!

We need to get this back to the keep a.s.a.p.!
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Howling Fjord

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