In Worg's Clothing - Quêtes

More details

  • Level: 71
  • Required Level: 69
  • Difficulté : 69 74 77
  • Faction: Alliance
  • Start: Watcher Moonleaf
  • End: Ulfang


In Worg's Clothing

Watcher Moonleaf has asked you to seek out and help Ulfang in the Rivenwood.

If you somehow lose the Worg Disguise, return to Watcher Moonleaf for a replacement.


From my dreams, I know that Ulfang is in a cave on the snowy northwestern edge of the Rivenwood.

He is in great danger!

I have devised a magical disguise that will make you appear as a worg while you are within the Rivenwood. The disguise is weak, relying upon the strange magics of that haunted wood. While it will only convince the worgs, it will allow you to get close to Ulfang.

Please, <class>, find and help him.


You look and smell different... you are not one of my pack. Tell me your story; I have nothing but time while I am trapped in here.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 201000 experience.
This quest starts at Howling Fjord and ends at Grizzly Hills

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