The Frozen Glade - Quêtes

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The Frozen Glade

Speak with Lurielle at the Frozen Glade.


For generations, my people have told tales of frost nymphs cavorting in glades hidden away in the wilderness. I used to search for them as a child, against the advice of my parents, until I nearly froze to death.

These days, it isn't necessary to comb the forests for them. They've decided to reveal themselves for reasons I can only guess, but I don't think the change can be ignored. Venture southeast to the Frozen Glade and seek out the nymphs, but beware; you will pass the Twisted Glade on your way.


It is good to meet you, <class>. My sisters have often watched the taunka search the forests for us, but we are forbidden by our queen from interacting with outsiders. You only see us now because the land has become unsettled and many of my sisters are in danger.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 20000 experience.
The entirety of this quest happens at Howling Fjord

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