The Ring of Judgement - Quêtes

The Ring of Judgement

Find Daegarn in the Ring of Judgement located inside the Utgarde Catacombs.


You might have already seen the room where Daegarn is being held while you were gatherin' the tablets. It's through this corridor and then down a set of steps. Daegarn will be in the room at the bottom of the steps - locked up tight!

Get down there and find him. At the very least you might be able to get the cipher from him.


Yep. You found me. Woopedy-do!

And no, I don't have the cipher. My beard was the first thing those beasts checked! Oluf's the one that's got it now. He's the chieftain of the gladiators.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Howling Fjord

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