To Westguard Keep! - Quêtes

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To Westguard Keep!

Take the Dragonflayer Battle Plans to Captain Adams at Westguard Keep in the Howling Fjord.


We've got all the information we need to keep Valgarde protected. You must take these battle plans to Westguard Keep, located on the western fjord cliff wall. Speak with the flight master assistant, Emilune Winterwind. She will put you on the back of a gryphon headed towards Westguard.

Once there, find Captain Adams. He's the one in charge. Adams will know what to do with these plans.


I'm glad you decided to come over. My advisors and I will need some time to study these plans. In the meantime, we can use all the help we can get!
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
This quest ends at Howling Fjord

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