The Shining Light - Quêtes

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The Shining Light

Ares the Oathbound in the Utgarde Catacombs wants you to recover the Sacred Artifact.

This is a timed quest.


I am an envoy of the Argent Crusade, charged with a sacred duty.

Our forces were decimated in the Plaguelands. By the light of dawn, the artifact was cleansed and made pure once more. So many perished in the wake of its redemption.

There is still a chance... still time.

The artifact was hurled into the den of the fallen, far below us. Guarded by the unmerciful dead.

Light. Will. Protect. You.


You feel compelled to place the sacred blade next to the body of Ares.

Upon doing this you are once again blinded by light.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Howling Fjord

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