Towers of Certain Doom - Quêtes

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Towers of Certain Doom

The Winterhoof Brave has informed you that using the Brave's Flare to target all four of the towers at Skorn for air strikes would be advisable.


As we move through Skorn, we must destroy the towers.

If you have a look at them, you'll notice that their tops are lined with casters. Getting too close to them would mean certain doom.

However, we can call in wind rider air strikes from Camp Winterhoof. To do so, we need to get close enough so that you can lob a smoke flare atop of them.

Just don't get too close.


You have a strong arm, <name>.

It looks as if those wind riders finally made themselves useful instead of just standing around and drinking all day.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

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