Gruesome, But Necessary - Quêtes

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Gruesome, But Necessary

The Westguard Sergeant has asked you to use The Sergeant's Machete to dismember 20 Vrykul of the Winterskorn tribe at Skorn.


We've had reports that these vrykul can rise from the dead; not unlike the Scourge, but a different kind of undeath.

Let's not take any chances.

Here, take my machete. As we move through this place, you'll need to carve up the remains of the vrykul that we take down. I'd do it, but I have a sensitive stomach.

I spent all morning sharpening it, so it should do the job.


Well, $g sir : ma'am;, I have to say that you went about that particular business with a bit of zeal.

Anyway, if you don't mind, I'll be taking my machete back now. It looks dull and we wouldn't want you to accidentally slip and carve me up, too.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

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