Trail of Fire - Quêtes

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Trail of Fire

Escort Apothecary Hanes out of the Derelict Strand. Report to Apothecary Lysander at Vengeance Landing in Howling Fjord when you've completed this task.


Thanks for bailing me out of this mess, <name>. I was not looking forward to what these Alliance scumbags had in store for me.

Let's get out of here and see if we can get back at them somehow. Is that a campfire over there?


Apothecary Hanes is alive? You burned the Alliance supplies to the ground? He must've gotten a real kick out of that.

At any rate, the Royal Apothecary Society is in your debt, <name>. We thank you from the bottom of our black, black hearts.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
This quest starts at Howling Fjord

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