Wasteland - Quêtes

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Speak with Layo Starstrike near the Valor's Rest graveyard of Silithus, showing him Rabine's Letter.


West of Un'Goro Crater, via the northwestern ridge, is a harsh wasteland - Silithus. Few know that an ancient war was waged there between the night elves and a malign, alien power. The evil was sealed, but now we suspect that forces work to stir this... unspeakable horror.

Seek out Layo Starstrike, one of our agents in Silithus; look for him at Valor's Rest, the final resting spot for the fallen of the wastes. Give him this letter, and he will give you his trust accordingly.


Rabine sent you, did he? Well, consider yourself welcomed here... as much as this desolate and forsaken land can welcome someone.

I wasn't alive during the time of the great tribulations that took place here, but there are parts of this desert that might as well be eerie pictures of that forgotten past. With your help, the Cenarion Circle might be able to bring finality to a threat that was supposed to have died generations ago.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
This quest starts at Moonglade and ends at Silithus

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