Reports from the Field - Quêtes

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Reports from the Field

Speak to Dark Ranger Lyana and Deathstalker Razael in the battlefield at the Bleeding Vale south of Vengeance Landing. Return to High Executor Anselm when you've completed this task.


Our mission in Northrend is to destroy Arthas. The Alliance are but an obstacle that we'll crush wherever we find them.

We've managed to destroy their easternmost fleet; but the survivors have barricaded themselves on the Derelict Strand, south of here.

Our forces should've overwhelmed their make-shift defenses long ago, but we underestimated their will to live. Seek my officers in the field, Dark Ranger Lyana and Deathstalker Razael and get them to report on the situation.


Cannons are holding us back? I'll show them cannons.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Howling Fjord

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