Stop the Fires! - Quêtes

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Stop the Fires!

The Masked Orphan Matron wants you to help put out all the village fires. When they are out, speak again to the Masked Orphan Matron in town.


The Horde's children need you, <name>. The Headless Horseman, once a human paladin and now an insane fiend, has set fire to our village! You must put out those fires!

Grab a bucket and throw it onto the blaze, or toss it to an ally who is closer to the flames. Extinguish all the fires and thwart the Headless Horseman!


The fires are out! You and your fire brigade were victorious! Hah!

The Headless Horseman's attack has failed, but until he and his head are destroyed together, He will return.

Until then, however, let's take comfort in the safety you brought our children. I am honored to have watched your brave work today.

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