Justice Dispensed - Quêtes

More details

  • Level: 39
  • Required Level: 35
  • Difficulté : 35 37 42 47
  • Faction:
  • Start: Tabetha
  • End: Krog


Justice Dispensed

Return to Krog at Brackenwall Village.


I doubt the Grimtotems will give up their campaign to drive humans from the marsh. At least we have dealt with the perpetrators of the crimes at the Shady Rest Inn.

I'm sure the investigator who sent you doesn't need to be told this, but the Horde can no longer afford not to rein in the Grimtotems. There will be a day when their actions will put the Horde in a regrettable position.

Neither Lady Jaina nor Warchief Thrall desire another war, but are they willing to do what's necessary to avoid it?


I'm impressed, <name>. I would've thought that the Grimtotem criminals would've been more difficult to locate.

Tabetha's warnings have not fallen on deaf ears, but it is not my place to chastise the Grimtotems. I will, of course, mention it in my report to the Warchief. Do not speak of it to anyone until Thrall has dealt with the Grimtotems. You have done well in solving the mystery of the Shady Rest and sparing us from the suspicion of Theramore.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 5250 experience.
The entirety of this quest happens at Dustwallow Marsh

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