The Grimtotem Plot - Quêtes

More details

  • Level: 38
  • Required Level: 33
  • Difficulté : 33 36 41 46
  • Faction:
  • Start: Krog
  • End: Krog

Required, completed

Finish this quest will unlock

The Grimtotem Plot

Bring the Grimtotem Battle Plan to Krog at Brackenwall Village.


With the activities of the Grimtotems in Thousand Needles brought to light, many tauren now regard them with suspicion. We've seen high-ranking Grimtotems engage in murder and kidnapping to advance their interests and I fear we may become their next target.

Blackhoof Village, to the northeast, near Bluefen, is a large new Grimtotem settlement. Their leaders, the elders, will all have orders from Thunder Bluff. See if you can capture the orders and piece them together to learn the Grimtotems' plans.


There's no doubt in my mind that the Grimtotems are moving against the humans. What I don't understand is what their intentions are toward us. The actions of the Grimtotems have caused tension within the Horde in the past, but the Warchief has always diffused it.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 3900 experience.
The entirety of this quest happens at Dustwallow Marsh

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