Two Wrongs... - Quêtes

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Two Wrongs...

Mage-Lieutenant Malister at Westguard Keep has tasked you with the destruction of 3 Proto-Drakes.
Proto-Drake (3) killed


Now that we've riled up these Ember Clutch proto-drakes, they may be inclined to continue their attacks upon the keep. This will not do.

I hate to compound one wrong with another, but in this case it would appear that we will have to destroy the creatures. A regrettable course of action, but one that we need to undertake regardless.

Take my wand. I've been experimenting with increasing its range, but it doesn't pack much of a punch. However, what it will do is get a proto-drake's attention.


Unfortunate business to be certain. Well, what's done is done. With any luck the new whelps that grow to be drakes at Ember Clutch will not retain a memory of our shameful actions therein.

And with a bit more luck, the boundaries of that magical forest will not continue to spread.

Here, <name>, please take this pittance from the treasury for all of your troubles. It's the least that we can do.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Howling Fjord

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