The Apothecary's Letter - Quêtes

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The Apothecary's Letter

Bring the Sealed Letter to Andello Porter at Tabetha's Farm.


Recovered from the body of a Forsaken apothecary, this letter contains alarming evidence of a close alliance between the Grimtotems and the new masters of Lordaeron.

"As a demonstration of good faith and a symbol of our newfound trust, we have dispatched Apothecary Cylla to aid you in battling our mutual enemy in the land of Kalimdor. None will stand before our combined might and determination."

This letter should be brought to the attention of the SI:7 agent at Tabetha's Farm, Andello Porter.


We've long had misgivings about the cooperation between the Horde and the Forsaken, and this only confirms those suspicions. With the backing for Forsaken magic and arms, the Grimtotems would become an even more fearsome enemy. The balance of power in Kalimdor could shift considerably.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 3900 experience.

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