Spiking the Mix - Quêtes

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Spiking the Mix

Bring 3 Giant Toxin Glands from Giant Tidecrawlers to Apothecary Lysander at Vengeance Landing in Howling Fjord.


I've a feeling the long trip across the sea is affecting the effectiveness of our plague. What is needed is a potent toxin to boost the potency of the strain.

The crabs near this beach are a distant relative of the much smaller brown-shelled tidecrawler. The smaller tropical variety produces a paralytic toxin strong enough to knock out an ogre.

As we all know bigger is better! The much larger glands on the local variety should prove more potent. Bring me a few!


You continue to prove your competence, <name>. Hopefully this toxin will be enough to boost our plague to the levels that we need to.

At the very least it should help weaken the recipient and make them more susceptible to infection.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 100500 experience.

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