Scare the Guano Out of Them! - Quêtes

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Scare the Guano Out of Them!

Collect 10 Darkclaw Guano and deliver them to Engineer Feknut at Steel Gate.


You, yes you... I need your help!

Petrov sent me up here to get bat guano for the cluster bombs he's making back at the keep. He sent me to my doom!

The darkclaw bats hang out in the Rivenwood to the north, but I'm not taking a step off of this platform unless it's to go home!

But you... you could get it for me! Yes? Pretty please?!!!

Here, take these firecrackers. My thinking is that if you drop 'em underneath the bats, the guano will be scared right out of them!


Ugh, what's that smell? Ack, it's you! Well, I guess I did send you on a smelly job!

Thank you, <class>. Don't worry, I'll get this stuff back to Petrov as soon as we get out of here.

You hear that guys? Lets get the hell out of here!!!


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Howling Fjord

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