Confirming the Suspicion - Quêtes

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Confirming the Suspicion

Bring the Grimtotem Battle Plan to Captain Darill at North Point Tower.


The Grimtotems may be the most warlike of all the tauren clans, but they're by no means unorganized. If they're the ones who put the torch to the Shady Rest Inn, they'll have had orders from one of their clan elders.

There's a large Grimtotem settlement called Blackhoof Village to the northwest. They've been using it as a base to attack the tower, but I'll bet that you'll find the orders you're looking for there. Check the village's elders for traces of the orders you seek.


I'd say it doesn't get any clearer than this. They've taken it upon themselves to fight back against human settlements in the area and I have little doubt Theramore is next on their list.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 3900 experience.

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