Survey Alcaz Island - Quêtes

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Survey Alcaz Island

Speak to Cassa Crimsonwing and use one of her gryphons to survey Alcaz Island. When your survey is complete, speak with Lady Jaina Proudmoore in Theramore.


It looks like Renn's hunch about Alcaz Island was right. We need to survey that island, but it would take a whole brigade of troops to fight our way in there.

Theramore's defenses can't weather such a hit, so I've arranged with Cassa Crimsonwing, the apprentice to Theramore's gryphon master, to allow you to use one of her beasts to survey Alcaz from the air.

Alcaz Island holds the key to the Defias' plans for their prisoner and perhaps the prisoner's identity itself.


A rune circle, dragonkin? The Defias certainly have hedge mages among their ranks, but no one powerful enough to make use of such a thing!

And why would the black dragonkin be interested in an island full of naga? There are many unanswered questions, but I one thing is for certain: the Defias have a powerful ally in upper echelons of the Alliance.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 3700 experience.
The entirety of this quest happens at Dustwallow Marsh

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