Defias in Dustwallow? - Quêtes

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Defias in Dustwallow?

Obtain the Defias Orders from Garn Mathers and bring them to Captain Wymor at Sentry Point.


My scouts have reported a shipwreck just off the beach to the northeast. Shipwrecks aren't all that unusual out here, but the reports also indicated the survivors were all wearing red bandanas!

The Defias are craftsmen and guildsmen, not sailors. What are they doing at the site of a shipwreck on a continent they've no interest in?

Their leader is rumored to reside on a large island just off the coast to the northeast of the tower. Kill him and retrieve any documents you find in his possession.


What in the world could 'precious cargo' refer to? The Defias have done some small time smuggling back in lands of Stormwind, but this seems out of their league. The language of these orders suggests a wealthy or noble patron.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 3700 experience.
The entirety of this quest happens at Dustwallow Marsh

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