Wrangle Some Aether Rays! - Quêtes

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Wrangle Some Aether Rays!

Skyguard Khatie has asked you to wrangle 5 Aether Rays. After you have done so, return them to her at the Skyguard Outpost atop the Blade's Edge Mountains.
Wrangled Aether Ray (5) killed


Wanna help the Skyguard and Ogri'la?

Just hear me out before you walk away, $g hot stuff : girly;. We're in need of remounts! The bombing runs and missions to Bash'ir Landing have taken a toll on our mounts.

The aether rays that fly around Vortex Pinnacle, and the Crystal Spine to the northeast, look like they'd do just fine. You don't even have to bring them back here, though that would be nice. Just break and rope them, and we'll track them down later.

Think you can wrangle me up some?


Woo hoo! Nice job, <name>! Those rays are going to make excellent mounts!

Stick around kid... the Sha'tari Skyguard can always use a man of your obvious talents!
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Blade's Edge Mountains

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