The Apprentice's Request - Quêtes

More details

  • Level: 67
  • Required Level: 67
  • Difficulté : 67 70 74
  • Faction: Horde
  • Start: Agadai
  • End: Dama Wildmane

The Apprentice's Request

Speak with Dama Wildmane at Shadowmoon Village.


As an apprentice wind rider master, one of my tasks is to care for the beasts when they're not flying. The problem is that we have so few here, there's very little downtime for any of them.

I'm afraid we'll work them all to death if we don't receive any replacements. There's a large stable down in Shadowmoon Village, in western Shadowmoon Valley. Dama Wildmane oversees the wind rider care and training there.

Would you speak with her on our behalf and let her know about our situation?


I can't guarantee that there will be any wind riders available, but I'll see what I can do. As it is, we're having trouble keeping up with the demands of other buyers and outposts.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 11500 experience.
This quest starts at Blade's Edge Mountains and ends at Shadowmoon Valley

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