Building a Better Gryphon - Quêtes

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Building a Better Gryphon

Speak with Brunn Flamebeard at Wildhammer Stronghold.


I've heard that the Wildhammer dwarves maintain a gryphon roost at their fortress down in southern Shadowmoon Valley. If you're going down there, would you speak to them on my behalf? I have some ideas on how to improve their gryphons!

Why stop at armoring them when you could attach an altimeter, a rear view mirror, and rocket? Imagine how fast you could go with one of those babies strapped to your gryphon's back! I'll call it the TurboGryphon 8000!


He wants to do WHAT to my gryphons?

If that little pipsqueak puts anything other than a saddle on them, I'll personally travel up to Blade's Edge and stuff that rocket o' his down his throat!
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 11500 experience.
This quest starts at Blade's Edge Mountains and ends at Shadowmoon Valley

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