A Job Unfinished... - Quêtes

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A Job Unfinished...

Slay 10 Overmine Flayers and Barash the Den Mother. Return to Overlord Mor'ghor at the Dragonmaw Base Camp should you succeed.


In the name of our great master... For the glory of Illidan!

By order of Overlord Mor'ghor, the great plateau of Netherwing Ledge is to be secured. With all Netherwing drakes captured or forced off of the land, rock flayers are running rampant and threatening crystal harvesting operations.

Destroy them all, their den mother and her consort, Arvoar.

Mor'ghor commands it!


So from the remains of one of my own overseers you recovered the command and took matters into your own hands? You have managed to impress Mor'ghor. Well done...


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 126500 experience.
  • 250 reputation with Netherwing
This quest ends at Shadowmoon Valley

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