Salt Flat Venom - Quêtes

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Salt Flat Venom

Bring 6 Salty Scorpid Venoms to Fizzle Brassbolts in the Shimmering Flats.


I have so many designs for our rocket car! So many! And I must try them all!!

I'm working on a new type of fuel. One that burns really really really hot!! I haven't gotten the mixture perfect, but I think I know what I need...

The scorpids who wander the Shimmering Flats have a venom with lots and lots of salt in it. It's very unique! And it's just what I need!

Bring me venom and trust me -- our car will fly!!


All right! This venom is going to work great! Thanks, <name>!

Now I just need to boil it down, apply skipper-otomer, add a nega-catalyst, and... Drat! Where are my notes!?
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 1850 experience.
The entirety of this quest happens at Thousand Needles

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